Create an App Registration for RBAC with PowerShell and Microsoft Graph.

January 19, 2024  5 minute read  

I’m currently working on some automation within Azure to deploy a hub-spoke web application. This web application authenticates with Entra ID using an App Registration and Role-Based Access Controls (RBAS) using App Roles. So, I need to create an app registration, enterprise app, and create the app roles.

Seems easy, right?

Get an access token

Since this is part of a deployment, I’m going to assume the user has already connected to Azure using Connect-AzAccount and selected a subscription. The command Get-AzContext can be used to see both the signed-in account and the selected subscription.

However, I want to use the Microsoft Graph cmdlets for this. I’m assuming that the Microsoft Graph cmdlets are better since they are created from the REST API. How do I do that?

$token = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName MSGraph -ErrorAction Stop).token
if ((Get-Help Connect-MgGraph -Parameter accesstoken) -eq "securestring") {
  $token = ConvertTo-SecureString $token -AsPlainText -Force
$null = Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $token -ErrorAction Stop

There is a little magic here. Earlier versions of the Connect-MgGraph took a plain text token, but newer versions require this to be a secure string. We have to convert, but only if necessary. It’s annoying.

Create the App Roles object

Next, I need to create a list of App Roles. However, I want to only create the app roles that are new. If I am running the script for a second time (maybe to add new roles that have not yet been defined), then I need to merge the existing app roles with the new roles. The following function creates the array of objects that I need:

    Gets the list of application roles that should be created.
    The list of role names that are needed by the application.
.PARAMETER ExistingRoles
    The list of existing roles that are already defined in the app registration.
function Get-AppRoles {
        [string[]] $RoleNames,

        [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphAppRole[]] $ExistingRoles = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.IMicrosoftGraphAppRole[]]@()

    Write-Verbose "Getting App Roles for $($RoleNames | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)"
    $result = @()
    foreach ($roleName in $RoleNames) {
        $role = $ExistingRoles | Where-Object { $_.Value -eq $roleName }
        if ($null -eq $role) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating App Role for $roleName"
            $newRole = @{
                'AllowedMemberTypes' = @( 'User' )
                'Description' = "The $roleName role for the Contoso Fiber CAMS application."
                'DisplayName' = $roleName
                'Id' = [guid]::NewGuid()
                'IsEnabled' = $true
                'Value' = $roleName
            $result += $newRole
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Using Existing App Role for $roleName"
            $result += $role
    Write-Verbose "New App Roles: $($result | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)"
    return $result

I can create the necessary role names using an array - e.g.

$MyRoleNames = "Role1", "Role2", "Role3"

Create or update the app registration

This is the big long function that I use to create or update the app registration. It’s an all-in-one “create an app registration and the app roles and the associated enterprise application”.

function New-EntraAppRegistration {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ApplicationName,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $AppRoles,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $BaseUrl,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $SignInCallbackPath = "/signin-oidc",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $SignOutCallbackPath = "/signout-callback-oidc"

    # Get the app registration if it exists.
    $app = Get-MgApplication -Filter "displayName eq '$($ApplicationName)'" -Top 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($null -eq $app) {
        $web = @{
            'HomePageUrl' = $BaseUrl
            'LogoutUrl' = "$($BaseUrl)$($SignOutCallbackPath)"
            'RedirectUris' = @( $BaseUrl, "$($BaseUrl)$($SignInCallbackPath)" )
            'ImplicitGrantSettings' = @{
                'EnableAccessTokenIssuance' = $false
                'EnableIdTokenIssuance' = $true
        $newAppRoleDefinitions = Get-AppRoles -RoleNames $AppRoles

        $newAppRegistration = New-MgApplication -DisplayName $ApplicationName `
            -SignInAudience 'AzureADMyOrg' `
            -Web $web `
            -AppRoles $newAppRoleDefinitions `
            -ErrorAction Stop
        New-MgServicePrincipal -AppId $newAppRegistration.AppId -ErrorAction Stop
    } else {
        $updatedAppRoleDefinitions = if ($app.AppRoles.Length -gt 0) {
            Get-AppRoles -RoleNames $AppRoles -ExistingRoles $app.AppRoles
        } else {
            Get-AppRoles -RoleNames $AppRoles
        Update-MgApplication -ApplicationId $app.Id -AppRoles $updatedAppRoleDefinitions -ErrorAction Stop

    $updatedApp = Get-MgApplication -Filter "displayName eq '$($ApplicationName)'" -Top 1
    return $updatedApp

The first thing I do in this function is to try and get the existing app registration. I do this by matching the display name. Since display names can be duplicated (something you should not do), you may want to use some other filter here.

If the app does not exist, I create the app registration with app roles (using the Get-AppRoles function I developed earlier) to create the app registration, and then I create the enterprise application. An enterprise application is just a service principal for the app registration, so I use New-MgServicePrincipal for this.

If the app does exist, then I may need to update the app roles. I’ll use the Get-AppRoles function again, then call Update-MgApplication using the updated list. This will contain any extras needed. It’s not a big deal if this is called multiple times since the interface is idempotent.

Finally, to ensure I have the latest information no matter which route I took, I go and grab the app registration information again and return it.

Hooking it all together

My aim here is to configure an ASP.NET Core web application. That requires a block to be placed in the appsettings.json file in a specific form. So, how do I do that?

# Create or update the app registration.
$appRegistration = New-EntraAppRegistration -ApplicationName $ApplicationName `
  -BaseUrl $BaseUrl `
  -AppRoles $AppRoles `
  -SignInCallbackPath $SignInCallbackPath `
  -SignOutCallbackPath $SignOutCallbackPath

$settings = @{
    'AzureAd' = @{
        'Instance' = $context.Environment.ActiveDirectoryAuthority
        'Domain' = $tenant.DefaultDomain
        'TenantId' = $tenant.TenantId
        'ClientId' = $appRegistration.AppId
        'CallbackPath' = $SignInCallbackPath
        'SignedOutCallbackPath' = $SignOutCallbackPath

Write-Host "`nPlace the following in your appsettings.json or secrets.json file:`n"
$settings | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Host

Obviously, I need to provide the information the New-EntraAppRegistration function requires. I do this with script parameters. However, the result is that I can cut and paste the displayed settings into my appsettings.json (or, more normally, my secrets.json file).

Once complete, I can also go onto the Azure Portal and add users to my app roles:

  • Go to the Entra ID section of the Azure Portal.
  • Select App registrations from the side-bar.
  • Select the app registration you just created.
  • In the Essentials section, click on the Managed application in local directory.
  • Finally, click on Assign users and groups.

From here, you can press Add user/group to initiate the flow to add a user to a role.

Wrap up

I hope this helps anyone who is trying to automate Microsoft Graph operations from the Azure side of things. It’s a little fiddly to find out what is needed, but the information can be put together.

Until next time, happy hacking!

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