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Choosing a hosting option for your web app in Azure

March 10, 2021  6 minute read  

Azure, like all the other clouds, has a plethora of mechanisms for getting your web site published. You have Static Web Apps, Azure App Service, Azure Blob Storage, Web Apps for Containers, and then there are the compute ones like virtual machines, and Azure Functions. It can be a little overwhelming. For this analysis, I’m going to assume you want to deploy a stand alone web site - either straight HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or a React, Angular, Vue, or similar app. I’m going to break it d...

Rounded corner panels and masks in SwiftUI

May 03, 2020  3 minute read  

I’ve been working on my UI developer skills recently (and I’ve done a few other posts about this as well). If you look at any of the recent design trends on Dribbble or UPLabs, you will see plenty of rounded corners. SwiftUI makes it simple to create rounded corners on all the corners - just add .cornerRadius(radius) as a modifier to the view. What happens when you only want a couple of corners rounded? For this, you need to dive into custom shapes and masks. Let’s set up a view to exper...

Deploy your React app to Azure

April 04, 2020  7 minute read  

I’ve got to the point with my template where I am thinking about deployment options. There is already a great option (the gh-pages module) for deploying to a site. However, I am going to be running most of my services on Microsoft Azure. I want to deploy my service automatically and copy the web application to a web site on Azure.

Add unit testing to your React app

April 02, 2020  9 minute read  

Thus far, in my journey to produce a customized toolchain for my React development, I’ve covered a lot of ground. See part 1 and part 2 for that coverage. I’ve come to the point where I need to discuss testing, which is a complex area. First, there are at least four types of testing you need to do: Unit testing is something you should be running on a regular basis - a series of tests that test each component to ensure that the functionality is correct from the outside. Integration te...

Add visual testing to your React app with Storybook

March 31, 2020  7 minute read  

In my last article, I started a React app from scratch, then integrated Parcel as the bundler, TypeScript for language support, SASS, ESLint for linting the code, and Stylelint for linting the style sheets. I didn’t include any testing capabilities, so that is next on my agenda. Let’s write a simple component to get started with testing. The component takes an “isBusy” flag. If it is true, then one icon is displayed. If false, a different icon is displayed. I’ll use text nodes in this v...